AMI Acquires the OmniPulse Technology Diode Driver and Pockels Cell Driver Product Lines

Analog Modules, Inc. (AMI) has acquired the OmniPulse Technology ( Diode Driver and Pockels Cell Driver product lines, including relevant Patents, and intends to support all former customers with the OmniPulse product range.  This additional product line supplements AMI’s existing product lines by adding lower cost, typically linear, driver solutions, and provides a reliable future source of supply for programs currently using OmniPulse products.

The OmniPulse designed ultra compact, precision current sources are ideal for driving pulsed laser diodes in a variety of applications including rangefinding, target designation, LIDAR, seeding fiber lasers, and pumping solid state lasers. These pulsed laser diode drivers are precise, easily integrated, user friendly and exceed expectations and industry standards of performance.

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Model 755A-04.1

Hybrid eyesafe laser rangefinder receiver is designed for laser rangefinding & surveying equipment. Compact construction is ideal for miniature applications. Fast recovery from T0 overload allows ranging to close objects without compromising long range performance. The incorporation of an InGaAs APD gives very high sensitivity with time programmed gain to minimize false targets. Operation at both 1.06 µm and 1.54 µm is possible over a wide range of pulse widths.