Burst Mode Laser Diode or Flashlamp Operation

Model 8800DAMI’s Models 8800D and 8800V can be programmed to output a string of pulses.

From the Model 8800D & 8800V Manuals:

Burst mode is a batch command. This instructs the microprocessor to run a burst or to trigger the output for the entered number of pulses at the entered rep rate and stop automatically. The system will not burst again until the “RUN” key is again pressed.

The customer can program the pulse width, repetition rate and number of pulses. They cannot directly program the off time interval however this is programmed indirectly by setting the repetition rate.

To achieve an output of twenty 200 μs pulses ~800 μs apart enter the following:
Pulse width of 200 µs
Pulse rate of 1000 Hz
Burst Mode twenty (20) shots

For complete information about our laser diode and flashlamp controllers please visit their pages on our web site:

Laser Diode Controllers

Pulsed Flashlamp Drivers

Posted in General News, Laser Electronics, Technical Note

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