Redesign Project: Variable Pulse Width Flashlamp Controller

Model 8800D

AMI’s Model 8800 series of flashlamp and laser diode controllers have been a fixture in laser laboratories around the world for >25 years.  These microprocessor controlled systems were preceded by the rotary switch and dial controlled Models 883 and 884 built from the mid 80’s to mid 90’s.

For over 35 years laser designers, researchers and OEM manufacturers have relied on AMI’s expertise in PFN design to achieve the laser output needed for their applications.

AMI Model 8808VThe new Model 8808 design will offer more programming options and greater flexibility for laser design, development and operation in the field.  The new design will feature a touch screen front panel interface as well as a user friendly GUI for external control.

The flashlamp controller should enter production by January 2020 quickly followed by a new diode laser controller.

A catalog listing of all of AMI’s current Flashlamp and Laser Diode Controllers be found at the links below:

Pulsed Flashlamp Controllers
Laser Diode Controllers

Please contact AMI to discuss your application or if you have any questions.


Posted in General News, Laser Electronics, Technical Note

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